Are you looking for Sims 3 Cheats, the Sims 3 Cheats, Cheats for Sims 3, Sims 3 Cheats for Money, or how to use Sims 3 Cheats? Congratulations, you have reached the right website. You are just one step away from all the working Sime 3 Cheats. If you have been looking for working Sims 3 cheats, this is the place where you will get all the active cheats with the ultimate guide on how to use sims three cheat codes.
Sims 3
Sims 3 is developed by the Redwood Shores studio of Maxis and published by Electronic Arts in 2003. The game features a perfect life simulation and that’s why it has been nominated for many awards and has won Teen Choice Award for Choice Video Game. It is available for macOS, Android, Windows operating systems, and PlayStation. The game is currently trending in the European region and Asian regions as well.
The game features character customization options that were never offered by Sims 3 before. Here you can enjoy every life stage of your avatar and grow them according to your preferences. You can socialize with your community.
Sims3 Avatar
Sims 3 cheats are the best way to have more fun with your virtual characters. As your avatar ages to become an adult, he or she will develop five different traits. Cheat codes will provide you with the ability to surpass the system.
Sims 3 cheats help you a lot throughout the game and these will impact the overall progress, so choose them wisely. There is no option to change traits once you become an adult, and you have to reset the game as a last resort. Although there is no official guide in this regard players should understand why cheat codes are used.
Also Read: Sims 4 Cheats & Skills
Sims 3 Cheats
Sims 3 cheats list features all the active codes that will work for all the available versions of the game. For some cheats where you can get money or other items, you have to enter a specific number first, or the cheat won’t work.
Cheat Codes | Effects That These cheat Codes Will Produce |
kaching | Add 1,000 Simoleons. |
moveObjects on/off | Move objects that are normally stationary. |
resetSim name | Return a Sim to a safe and neutral state at home. |
disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt on/off | Objects won’t snap to slots while holding Alt. |
hideHeadlineEffects on/off | Show/hide talk and thought bubbles. |
slowMotionViz number | Slow motion (0 is normal, 8 is slowest). |
fps | The display frame rate is at top of the screen. |
enablellamas on/off | Enable llamas. |
help | Display a list of all cheat codes. |
motherlode | Add 50,000 Simoleons. |
unlockOutfits on/off | View career outfits and service uniforms (must be entered before you start making a Sim). |
constrainFloorElevation true/false | Allow terrain adjustments (default is true). |
fadeObjects on/off | Objects fade as the camera gets close to them (doesn’t affect Sims). |
jokePlease | Display a random joke within the cheat console. |
fullscreen on/off | Full-screen mode. |
quit | Quit the game. |
testingCheatsEnabled true/false | Enable/disable testing cheats. |
How To Use Sims 3 Cheats?
You have to follow the below-given steps otherwise without a proper guide, using Sims 3 cheat codes can be a hard task for newbies, so here is an ultimate guide from our side. The process of using all these cheats is almost the same. Follow these steps to activate Sims 3 cheats accordingly, and you will be done in a minute or so.
- Open Sims 3 on your devices
- Open the command console by pressing “CTRL + SHIFT + C” from the keyboard
- Enter “testing cheats enabled true” (without spaces) in the command console
- Close the command console by pressing the “Esc.”

Personal Experience
We have shared all the working keys and these are self-tested to ensure cheats are still alive. You can use any code fearlessly as per the provided guideline.
Sims 3 Cheats Facts
Be sure to enable cheats in the Sims 3 games you have to press CTRL + SHIFT + 3 altogether and enter all codes there. First, open the console in the game, type “testingcheatsenabled” true in the top bar, and from Edit in CAS option you can easily edit sims. There are plenty of cheat codes available and you can use any of them depending on how much money or skill you need to add to the Sims 3 games. To do WooHoo in this game first you have to max out relationships nearby sims and then click on the tent and the option.
Sims 3 Gameplay
As you know now there are plenty of cheats available in the Sims 3 and you can use them according to what you want o do in your game. And for all new users, there is a complete process on how you can use cheat codes in the sims 3. We will update the above list if new cheats become available.